onsdag 7 september 2011

Day 18- To much sugar

Yesterday after the surgery I had a lot of sugar (bored, hungry and felt I needed something comforting after all the stress....logical...not!!!). My mom bought grapes for me and I ate the whole box, raspberry juice, plus a raw chocolate drink with both honey and dates and 2 nectarines. It did not feel good at all and I could still feel that in my body this morning. It is really interesting how much more aware I have become of how different foods effects my body since I started eating Raw. It is fascinating and almost stressful at the same time. It is kind of like when I start meditating. In the beginning I felt more stressed after meditating because I felt I had a million thoughts in my head. But actually I had not more thoughts then before, maybe even less, the only difference was that I was more aware of all the thoughts running around in my head.

Todays I had lots of greens and veggies and less fruits and actually today was the first time that I did not feel tempted eating any chocolate at work;-) But I did have a café latte and it was SOOO GOOD! I really love my coffee once in a while.

Todays lunch sallad with cauliflower tabouléh!!! Yum yum

My Lilac Cauliflower Tabouléh 
Mix cauliflower in a mixer or food processor.
Then add:
  • Fresh Parsley
  • Chopped dates or raisins
  • Tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Cumin
  • Fresh chili
  • Red onion
  • Orange
  • Lemon juice
  • Sea salt

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