tisdag 23 augusti 2011

Day 3 - Crawings

Today has been a day with a LOT of cravings for sugars. And after telling my wise friend (who has tons of knowledge in nutrition) about this he told me that either I have to start sprouting as hell or eat some meat/ eggs and maybe eat some cooked food. Otherwise I will not get the all protein that I need nor the calories. Also the cravings wont go away until I change that. So tomorrow I'm going to try and add some organic eggs to my diet and see if that helps.

This was todays food menu:
Breakfast: Half cucumber, some sunflower sprouts and almonds
Lunch: Wonderful RAW mushroom soup, a recipe that I found on Johanna´s Björks blog Råfrisk. Thank you wonder woman for sharing your yummie recipes.  
Snack: small sallad and some cashews
Dinner: Big sallad 
Cheating snack: Some frozen berries, while writing the blog:-)

Here is Johanna´s recipe!!!

 Picture borrowed from Johanna Björk

Creamy Raw Mushroom Soup

Two Portabello Mushrooms
About 10 Crimini Mushrooms
1 tbsp or 1 bag Miso Powder
3 tbsp Sesame Seeds
Olive Oil
Truffle Oil (it’s not raw, but some cheating is allowed)
Nama Shoyu
Rinse and cut the mushrooms into smaller pieces and blend with a few glugs of olive oil and some water if needed. Add the miso powder, Nama Shoyu, sesame seeds, salt and pepper and blend again. Then add truffle oil to taste (if you want to be 100% raw, skip it). If you want you can also try to add a clove of garlic, but I like to give the mushrooms as much tasting room as possible. Serve with some fresh thyme on top.

A domani!

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