tisdag 6 september 2011

Day 17 - Surgery

Today I had the surgery. For the ones of you that has not been following the blog since the start, this blog started with my experiment going  Raw-vegan no sugar (no fruits, no agave, no honey etc) diet during 4 weeks. One of the reasons for doing so was that I had been diagnosed with cervix cancer and I wanted to nurture my body with the best imaginable foods . The no sugar thing has not been so successful since it totally got me out of balance on a mental/emotional level and I started being really obsessed by food. But the Raw part has been really great and I'm about 80-90% raw now and it feels really GREAT! I have lots of energy and I feel very inspired to continue eating raw.

So today it was time for the surgery and I was not allowed to eat anything after midnight yesterday and today after 7 am not even drinking water. That would have been fine if the surgery would have taken place at 8.20 as it was supposed to but due to lack off staff, emergency operations etc I had to wait until 12.30 until the "finally" rolled me into the operation room. It was horrible. I mean getting up in a gynecologist chair is pretty horrible without surgery but when they started to tie up my legs to the chair I cracked. I cried a LOT and of course what do they do....they give me a lot of tranquilizer because they don't have any time to talk to me (I totally understand that they had to do that because they are under a lot of stress and pressure but it is still fucked up). Next thing I know I'm talking to the nurses and doctor in english (don't ask me why), probably saying some really weird stuff (I remember something about they not believing in my bodys capacity to heal...oops)...and then I was gone. Next thing I remember is waking up and they where done. 

Trying to entertain myself while waiting for surgery.
Since I fell asleep during the surgery, even if I only had local anaesthesia I had to stay in the "wake up room" for a while and that was really boring and I was SOO hungry by then. The nurse tried to make me eat a pop full of sugar and other shit but I refused until she got me one that they gave to people with diabetes = a little less sugar. After asking twice if they could send me back to my room where I had my food and being refused I started to amuse myself by holding my breath and seeing what happened with the ECG, I know very childish and pretty stupid thing to do and not something that the nurse did appreciate a lot. But at least she got someone to roll me out of there.

My angel sister who has been taking care of me all day.
Love you!!!
Back in room the next nurse highly recommended me not only to eat my own fruit and veggies but also the "fika" that they offered me with the motivation that otherwise I would probably faint when I got out of bed. I did not eat their dry bread, with butter and plastic cheese and I was totally fine anyway. I know she only said it with the best of intensions but come on, some really nice organic raw fruits and veggies and goji berries and a NURSE thinks it is better to eat bread, butter and cheese... I'm speechless!!!

The hospital fika!  Full of energy....or not

They where are really sweet to me in the hospital and they all did there very best to take good care of me but I really hope I won't  be back there any time soon, it is a freakin depressing place.


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