Gör om gör rätt (redo, do it right.... not sure how to translate this correctly) really seems to be the theme for me 2011. Today I went to the first session with my personal trainer
Matthew Griffiths. He is awesome and it seems like he really knows what he is doing. Today we just got started by him checking if my joints work properly, how I move etc. It turns out I'm pretty fucked up in this area to. So far this year I have discovered that most things I have been doing all my life has been just that, fucked up so I was not really surprised about what Matthew told me. So for the next 2 weeks I'm not even allowed to work out. I'm only allowed to do some TLC=tender loving care stuff such as stretching and massaging my legs by rolling on a foam roll until we get my posture sorted out so that I can start moving my body the way I should.
This is the mess that I'm cleaning up in 2011:
School- went to business school and never really liked it, but it sounded good and I thought it would give me a good job. It did give me good jobs (money wise) but I never liked them. So now I'm going back to school to become a veterianrian because that is what I AM passionate about.
Relationships - mostly thinking about a partner here. Has not worked out so well during the last 30 years, so working on that one still....not doing so well ;-)
Foods- as most people, been on a crappy diet without being aware of it. Working on finding a balance being mainly raw.
Body and workout- Turns out I have only been doing the things that I'm good at for the last 15 years or so which has created a huge imbalance in my body. Will spend lots of time, energy and money with Matthew to find my balance again.
Well I could keep on going for a while but I think this is enough. I guess it could seem really tragic when you look at it but I'm actually very happy about it. It is actually very exciting, I'm quitting doing a lot of things that did not make me happy and opening up for all the things that will actually make me happy to come into my life. And it is a lot better to realize all of this stuff NOW then LATER.
I'm not quite sure what this has to do with Raw but I guess it is just about living my life Raw meaning cutting away all the bullshit and focusing and finding the things that actually means something to me and that makes me happy. Just living my passions without compromising myself!!!
Today Raw lunch at least mostly raw.... - Lentils
- Raw Beets, chopped fine in mixer
- Olives
- Arugola
- Baby Spinach
- Tomatoes
- Goji Berries
- Punpkin seeds
- Walnuts
- Olive oil
- Aceto di Balsamico
Affirmation: I listen to my heart. I follow my heart.
I know that it is fruitless to try to please everybody,
so I listen to me above all.